Friday, March 30, 2007

Emacs, Lisp, Godel, Math
A great many articles to read. Each article can take up to 30mins to read through. "Effective Emacs" got me onto this stevey's blog. Dead domain I think.(

Also his "Why you should Blog" got me back into writing stuff here. I've always to wanted compose my thoughts and write them down, either by pen and paper (think E.W. Dijkstra) or writing in wiki/blog. Blog would be better for time context-ed stuff. Wiki (local hosting) for stuff I'm reading up on.

And also, Mathematics which is the basis of Computer Science which is based on John von Neumann machine. (stevey talks about this) Well I'm trying to learn math for the intellectual challenge of sorts, will help in my programming language understanding. And I really want to get through SICP and CTMCP (aka SICP2).

Hehe, not really organized writing, oh well heck. Words are really limiting, it's better to have a spatial representation w or w/o graphics on real paper.
Next time!~ :)

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Touched by a song.

Song : Yanni - Nightingale.

There I was in school listening to's streaming newage radio while doing my math.
I was thinking hmm, nice flutes...

(If you haven't heard the song before, please go listen to it before reading)

Then some time into the piece, flutes transit into ... violins (erhu feel though),
I gasped (more of a exhale), and a tear almost came out.

Totally touched by it.
So yeah, newage music is good for you.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Making the best with what you have

Was feeling kinda sad about my height (less than 170cm).
Lamenting about if only I'm 3-4cm taller and such.

Exited the self feeding negative loop with this thought :
Since I can't change the fact (short of breaking my legs and lengthening them...) I might as well make the best of what I have. Alot of attributes can create a taller percieved height... you can find out the details yourself :)

Why I got into the loop is an exercise left to the reader...

Read something else on a noticeboard too, pretend to be happy the first half of the day and you'll naturally be happy the rest of the day. Secret to be a happy man or woman.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Weight training Myths #1

Go here

Read about these at the bottom of the page :
- You can change the shape of your muscle depending on how you train it.
- You can get too big from weight training.

I feel that the use of caps for that last paragraph is appropriate :)

Monday, November 15, 2004

Half full tea cup. 半杯茶

Thought of this as I was bathing. Nice time to do some reflection.

Is you cup of tea half full ?
I'm not just referring to the half full/half empty state of mind rhetoric.

There's also a chinese/zen thingie which says that a tea cup which is full can't contain any more tea that's being poured in. Googled a nice result :

I'll let you do the thinking and feel the zen...

So is you cup of tea half full ?
I try to keep mine so :)

Monday, October 18, 2004

What university is all about...

Nicely phrased by this guy's comment in Slashdot.

Re:great news! (Score:5, Insightful) by bitingduck (810730) on Saturday October 16, @06:49PM (#10546997)
Now that I've studied for more than 4 years, I learn it is going to be useless.College isn't a trade school, and you shouldn't treat it that way. The most important thing you learn in college is how to learn. In many, if not most, fields what you learn in college is outdated by the time you finish (if it wasn't when you started) but it does (or should) give you a strong background from which to learn other things. In graduate school you learn how to learn things that nobody knows yet.As an example, an undergraduate physics degree from a pretty decent school will get you to about the mid-1950s as far as physics knowledge, with a few little tastes of stuff from the 70s(and maybe even the present, if you work in someone's lab). You can fake your way into a lot of engineering jobs from there, and if you go to graduate school, you catch up to maybe the 70s (or even 80s and 90s) in a lot of areas, and you take one small piece of physics right up to the present day and become a world expert on it, adding new knowledge at the leading edge. All the stuff you learn along the way provides important context and background knowledge, but the most important thing you learn is how to obtain new knowledge. If you need any of that stuff that you didn't have time to learn (because the field has gotten very large) you at least get the tools to go back and catch up quickly. Computer Engineering has to be much the same, if not more so, since things are changing even faster than in physics.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

The gift of thought, hearing and all things bad.

How else would I enjoy the satisfaction granted by a good mental challenge.

How else would I enjoy the sounds of the world especially when pumped out by my trusty little Grado SR60.

There's no buddha without evil.
As such, no great happiness without great sadness.

And of course there's jeon ji hyun. (no relevance :)